Windows 3.1 Calmira Shell

I have always had an interest in different operating systems, which is basically just the software you use to run all the other programs on your computer. PC’s are usually sold with Windows (and there are different versions of Windows out there, from Windows XP to Windows Vista to Windows 7) and Mac’s are sold with Mac OS X.

However, other operating systems exist. Linux, for example, is a free, highly customizable operating system that is gaining popularity. I am writing this post using Ubuntu Linux.

I have an old computer that still runs Windows 3.1 – I have a Commodore 64 too, but I’ll save that for another post. Windows 3.1 is fast and stable; I was quite surprised actually. For light web browsing, checking email, and word processing, I see no disadvantage to using Windows 3.1. However, the interface is a ugly and difficult to control at times. It gets in the way.

I was looking for some way to modify the interface when I found the perfect program: Calmira! “Calmira is a free 16-bit shell that lets you manage files, launch applications and control tasks. Free means that everyone can compile his or her own version of Calmira, this is possible because the source code is available for everyone. It brings Windows 3.1 up to date with some of the advanced user interface enhancements from the Windows world, and for most people, provides welcome relief from the awkwardness of Program Manager.

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